There’s nothing as sweet as the feeling of joy and pride that comes from one’s accomplishments. After several months of toil and sweat nothing beats been able to see results and the satisfaction one derives from knowing that you didn’t give up but finished your course to the end. Many have embarked on similar feats but are nowhere to be found because they lacked the will to carry on in the face of daunting challenges.

On the farm we suffered quite a few; the army worm attack, squirrels and birds eating the ripe maize and wrong advice on how to tackle them. However, it helped in prompting research and learning other creative and safer ways to tackle pest on the farm. All these discomfort helped to make me better on the farm. Challenges shouldn’t deter us; they should be stepping stones to been better in areas of our lives that need to be better.

Oh yes! We had lots of fresh sweet corn to eat and sell as well as fresh okra and pumpkin leaves for personal and commercial consumption. I can’t begin to describe how happy I was that I was able to prove that your outward physical appearance doesn’t equate the strength you carry on the inside. Having a slender frame doesn’t mean you cannot lift things three times your weight, or because you haven’t tried something you can’t be good and successful at it.

Stay focused on your goal, never look back, drown out the excuses, eliminate the you can’t syndrome and draw strength from your insides, the tiny part of you that dares you to imagine its possible, nurture that part until it helps you override all your doubts. The harvest is indeed sweet and you can’t afford not to taste it and of course share it with those around you. Ciao